Jeg skal nå fokusere på histaminer. Jeg har ikke funnet "svaret", men mye tyder på at mye av min hodepine og migrene kan skyldes histaminintoleranse. Om sommeren har jeg ofte langt mindre vondt i hodet. Påtross av heftig gressallergi, har jeg opplevd mine beste måneder nettopp om sommeren. Er det fordi det er ferie, sol, og avslappning, vin hver dag, eller er det noe annet. En annen ting som skiller seg ut om sommeren er allergimedisinen Poleramin. Det er en av 1.generasjons allergipiller. God gammeldags antihistamin, som jeg nå må få på fritak. Disse pillene må importeres fra Spania, da de fleste sovner som en stein ved inntak av den lille pilla. Jeg derimot, får minimalt til ingen hodepine, og en gressallergi det går an å leve med.
Jeg har fortsatt med allergipillene det siste halve året. Jeg har veldig mye mindre vondt i hodet. Jeg har fortsatt de hormonelle dagene, men har i allefall flere dager UTEN hodepine. Ikke for det, spekemat, pizza, rødvin ol kan sette meg helt ut.
Det jeg vet jeg har av mattriggere er:
Hvetemel, gjerne i pizza eller vafler
Rødvin, dvs her er det litt motstridene fakta. Jeg tåler nemlig Grand Reserva dvs lagrede viner bedre en unge.
Cava, helt sjanseløst, men Prosecco går greit, her kan svaret være:
"Noen mener at Prosecco er et tryggere valg for allergikere siden den kun lages av den hvite druen Glera/Prosecco, mens Cava også kan lages av røde druer, som skal inneholde mer histaminer fra drueskallet."
Spekemat og lagrede oster, kan sette i gang noe.
Tomat...i større mengder.
Hvordan jeg reagerer kommer an på dagsform, om jeg drikker ved siden av og mengde selvfølgelig. Etter at jeg har lansert denne teorien for meg selv, så gir jeg ikke slipp på pillene, selv om de nå koster en liten formue.
Tenk om det er mange andre der ute som går rundt med migrene/hodepine som skyldes en histaminintoleranse?
Jeg kjenner ingen leger i Norge som er så opptatt/bevist på denne problemstillingen, men det er det kanskje på tide å bli?
Mange av de som har "kronisk" migrene, som jeg selv er diagnosert med, kunne kanskje fått en radika lbedring, hvis hodepinen skyltes disse histaminene.
Kanskje de bare er en allergipille unna? ( de morderne variantene som Zyrtec ol, er ikke som de gamle gode antihistaminene i den forstand)
Verdt å forske mer på?
Her kan du lese litt om histaminer og andre trøblete stoffer i vin:
Histaminer i mat:
Engelsk link :
Her finnes en ganske heftig liste over ting man bør unngå om man vil prøve en eliminasjonsdiett.
Kort fortalt kommer man langt med en paleotilnærming.
Liste over mat med histaminer
link between allergies and migraine
Histamine and Migraine, a close but unknown relationship
Histamine, a molecule present in all living creatures and in food, is a vital substance for the body. It is present in all food products but in different proportions. Thus, histamine is necessary for life. However, histamine can accumulate excessively and have negative effects.
Source: DR HEALTHCARE - The disproportion between the histamine ingested or released from the cells in the human body and the capacity to metabolize this excess, leads to an accumulation of histamine in the plasma and adverse effects might appear. This is known as Histamine intolerance. One of the most prominent effects of the excess of histamine is migraine caused through vessel dilatation.
And if it is present in all food products. . . Why it hurts some people and others not?</B>
To degrade the excess of histamine the metabolism enzymes should work properly. If any of these enzymes is not functioning correctly, the histamine is not metabolized as it should be and adverse effects might come up like migraine, known for its incapacitating effects. The most prominent enzyme in the metabolism and degrading of histamine, is found in the small intestine and is called "Diamine oxidase", also known as DAO.
Main cause for the enzymatic malfunctioning
Due to genetics, some people have a low Diamine oxidase (DAO) activity which causes difficulties with the degrading of the excess of histamine. This excess can trigger migraine, among other disorders. (Until recently it was said that migraine was hereditary, when in fact the low DAO activity can be inherited.) On top of this problem there is another important factor. Migraine sufferers usually treat their migraine headache with drugs, and most anti-migraine drugs inhibit the activity of the Diamine oxidase (DAO). Whilst migraine patients are already more sensitive to the excess of histamine, the problem gets worse taking these drugs, thus creating an endless problem. Whatever you eat, if the DAO is inhibited more migraine is generated!
Adverse effects caused by the accumulation of histamine in the body (not all symptoms might appear)
• In the Central Nervous System: Migraine is the most prominent
• In the Cardiovascular System: Hypertension and arrhythmia
• In the Epithelial system: Urticaria, edema, atopic skin
• In the Respiratory System: nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing ...
• In the Digestive System: irritable colon, diarrhea, stomach pain ...
If you want fruit, better eat pear than citrus. Pear has a low histamine content.
In case of meat, the fresher the better, because it contains less histamine.
1. First you need to follow a diet with a low histamine content. This is not so easy because all food contains histamine and few, or too few, include the amount of histamine on the label, but in general this should be taken into account and only food with low histamine content should be consumed.
2. Try to reduce as far as possible the use of drugs that inhibit the metabolism of histamine. Most of the "anti-migraine" drugs inhibit the activity of DAO.
3. Migraine patients with a deficit of DAO due to genetics, should re-establish the level of this enzyme taking DAO as a food supplement (supplied in capsules). This is not a drug, but just a diet supplement with the enzyme DAO and vitamin B2.
Why women during pregnancy have less migraine?
Women during pregnancy tend to have less frequent and with lower intensity migraine attacks. This is usually due to two reasons:
a) During pregnancy less drugs (which can inhibit the activity of DAO) are taken.
b) During pregnancy the placenta produces a high level of DAO.
This way pregnant women have a special protection against an excess of histamine.
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